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Sharon Steiner-Wargo

Computer Scientist   |   3D Artist

Quick Navigation: Programming | Games | 3D work | Photography | 2D work | 4D work | Crafts

- 4D Work -

Made using Lightwave, Photoshop, and After Effects. A motion comic intro to the story of a fox and the fate of his loved one. Everything done by myself.
Lip Sync
Made using Lightwave. A short lip sync between two aliens with a line from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. All models except for the face made by myself.
Forced 3D Perspective
Made using Photoshop, and After Effects. This seemingly 3D video is made of only one altered 2D photograph. Everything done by myself.
The Greedy Fisher
Made using MonkeyJam and cardstock. A paper stop motion cutout of a man who gets his just reward for being greedy. Everything done by myself.
Fat Willies Commercial
A commercial made for the Edinboro, PA restaurant Fat Willie's. Made by the 2013 C3 class. Some models, some animation by me.
Paranormal Lactivity
A sci-fi video about a lab experiment gone awry. Included for silliness factor. Acting, some special effects, editing done by myself.
A Thank-You
Thank you notes? Boring. How about a thank you animation? I made this as a thank you to my uncle Dave in lieu of a card.
Demo Reel: Fall 2015
This is my 2015 demo reel.
It shows off some of the work that I have done.

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